List of articles, latest first
Gradient Descent: from linear regression to Llama
What is gradient descent and how to use it. We go from the taking derivative to solving a linear regression. ...
I’m not a fan of wish lists because I usually don’t like material gifts. But this time, it’s not about gifts. If I want to grow as a person, I need to set goals and work toward them. So here is my wish list for 2025. The goals should center around building a schedule and discipline. If I want to become the person I want to be, it can’t be a one-time thing. ...
The journey of making my blog IPv6 only, and the problems I encountered ...
What I learned after a semester of Computer Vision Part 1
I took a class on computer vision, here is a glimpse of what I learned… ...
I Stopped Daily Drinking… Coffee
A fancy title is all you need ! You don’t know me, but let me still reassure you, I’m not daily drinking alcohol. Instead, I’d like to shed some light on a different addiction in my life: coffee. I recently quit drinking coffee, and the impact on my life has been surprisingly positive. In the life of an addict I used to consume one to three cups of coffee per day, always trying not to have any after 2 PM. ...
Context Aware Recommender Systems
A gentle introduction to Context Aware Recommender Systems and Lightning ...
What Is This Dimension Thing ?
An explanation on the dim
parameter in PyTorch and Numpy, when doing reduction operations. With this post you’ll never doubt again and won’t have to try dim=0, dim=1 and so on until you got the right result. ...
Creating a hugo theme and grasping the concepts of hugo ...
Why is my electricity bill exploding ?
I found that this month electric bill is 25% higher than last year ...
A gentle introduction to generative art using rust and nannou ...
This is my about page I’m a computer science student interested in data science and machine learning. I’m also interested in rust and I occasionally do some CTFs You can get in touch on twitter @jsch_3. I blog about the things I do, mostly to remember them. ...